Sorry to hear it foundring. It seems the threat of non-Cabal entertainment is pretty great.

Do you have a website or somewhere that has your remaining social presence listed as you get picked off everything?

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Perhaps this might offer insights why mad mRNA Elon Mask opted to censor you?


I haven't earned the dubious honour yet, but my Substack links gain zero traction, so, all but-in-name.

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That is really weird about the blue check disappearing for a month and then re-appearing, combined with Musk's Tweet about "accounts that try to game our verification system" and then you're banned after "careful review".

Were you set up from the inside and then canceled???

Idunno, like I said over on locals, I know nothing about Twitter. I hope it all works out for you, you did have quite a nice little following over there on Twitter. Maybe you need to do what so many others who are used to being canceled do and start an email list so that you can keep in touch with your followers for whenever a situation like this might strike.

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I just found out... It's sad. Satire is dead.

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I replied to Jeffrey Tucker’s tweet on your speed of science piece. Maybe that will help πŸ€·β€β™‚οΈ


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I saw that, thank you! You also helped me discover that @MalcolmRenoldz (DoucheBag on twitter) was suspended, likely for sharing my latest video. I took a screenshot of the tweet 2 hours ago, so the suspension happened since then. What's weird is twitter didn't just flag the video and they went with suspending my whole account. Maybe that plus Humphries video did it?

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If your not following Toby Rogers then you should check out his substack. This article reminded me of your plight. There are some good quotes there.

Unfortunately you have had most of your work stolen by the Marxist running things.


β€œ It is now no longer a JADD article, it is a historical artifact, a letter to the future from a troubled era, a samizdat text to be shared amongst dissidents fighting to overthrow this corrupt and dying regime.”

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You are getting memory-holed on Twitter faster than the speed of science. Hardly anything remains out there. This is so messed up. While it lasts.


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This is way too Orwellian 😬

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Glad you found an island of communication on substack. I came searching when your tweets stopped popping up on my timeline. It seems like Twitter is entering a new phase. I think the Suzanne Humphries lecture may have been zee verboten contraband that got you twitted. I had just shared it with some friends, it actually hit all the points I made about the polio myths.

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Hey thank you that means a lot, it sucks to be banned, but it sucks even more to be banned and feel like no one really noticed. I too wonder if the Humphries lecture was taboo and may have triggered something. I noticed before posting that there weren't ANY versions uploaded onto twitter and I thought that was strange. I think the most striking thing is how sudden the ban was...it came seconds after I posted a generic father's day thread. I don't really get why more people aren't troubled by this, or even tweeting about it, but maybe they just don't know? Can twitter just ban me without bothering to say why, and call it a day? And crickets?! I had some high profile followers, where are they? Without twitter, that's it for me, really. I don't have any sizable platforms anywhere else. Alternative sites don't have the support network for folks like me who are trying to make music. I have a sense that this is the end of foundring if something doesn't come from this.

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My guess is anything Humphries is flagged and apparently auto banned. I had some hope with Elon. Authors on substack with pretty large followings have pretty much have given him the bird. PharMa pretty much runs everything on the media platforms.

Russel Brand seems to have found a way to censor himself on YouTube and then move his audience over to rumble for now.

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I'd be happy to build you a turnkey website where you can centralize everything. Let me know if you're interested and we can talk further in private. (I'm on Gab, but not by this name.)

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Only thing I can think to add is getting your own email list going.

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Im agree with this guy!! Take your notebook and make some email’s list by name with phone number and social media. And by saying notebook I meant to say word, excel, or even a notebook hahahaha it’s always works for many people and for me πŸ˜œπŸ€“πŸ˜Ž

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The f*ckery is TOP to Bottom and it's a shame your great work clashes with the Luciferian 'socialists' in total control; I wish God would hurry up and SMASH the serpent people!

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My last account got banned on X a day before my birthday (July 4) in 2023. I'm now @cheeseslave3 (third account) - I follow you.

I'm in the same boat - can't promote my blog or my online class b/c I'm buried on social.

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thank you

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